Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Doctor, Journalist or Scene Stealer? You be the judge.

Medical correspondents are leaving lasting impressions on American viewers. Most are able to juggle being both a doctor and a journalist. 

Some, like Dr. Sanjay Gupta, however find this difficult. Gupta, a correspondent for CNN, recently performed surgery on a young Haitian patient, on air. Innocent enough. Except for the fact that he would only perform the surgery if he were filmed. Gupta took a story about a victim and turned it into a story about himself. It’s not that he should not of saved the patient it’s just that he could have handled the situation more ethically. 

Luckily not all Dr./Journalists live by the same moral compass. For example, Dr. Nancy Snyderman is able to share what she has seen in Haiti and help victims without making the story about her. As seen here, Snyderman describes the horrors she has seen without turning the story around to be about herself.

Synderman knows that the world is watching and when, even, her ethics were questioned  she replied, “I guess the best thing I could ask of the critics is come here and walk in my shoes for a day and tell me if you would walk by somebody who has a bone sticking out of his arm," Snyderman told Howard Kurtz on CNN's Reliable Sources. "If you would walk by it, then I guess we're just different people." 

Perhaps Dr. Gupta is one of those “different” people but he might have a more dramatic response in front of a camera.  

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